Short Bio

I'm Mary, an artist living here in Pittsburgh! I grew up reading stories, making art, and exploring the beautiful mountains and lakes of the Adirondacks in New York where I am from. I love learning about ancient stories and lore from all over the world, witchcraft, and everything about nature. All of this fuels my imagination, inspiring me to paint strange and beautiful scenes in watercolor. I also have an interest in graphic design and have a lot of fun making simple designs and patterns in Adobe Illustrator. I use these designs to create pins, postcards, and patches along with painting them on canvas. For the past few years, I've worked on having prints of my paintings made along with creating other one-of-a-kind items and selling them online and at local artist markets.


Folk stories and mythology from all over the world inspire me. I love when metaphysical aspects are incorporated into the everyday lives of people in these stories. The extraordinary turn their lives can take make me want to create similar work, making my own curious scenes. Whether I am working on something taken directly from stories of the past or creating my own fiction, I try to keep the magical quality alive.


Mary Curtin received her BFA in 2011 from The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University (presently known as The Lesley University College of Art and Design) with a major in Illustration. Since Graduation, she has continued constantly making art and growing as an artist. She lives and works in Pittsburgh, PA.